AITA for making my husband late when he had a flight to catch because I locked the bathroom door?

NAH - i get that he was running late and you wanted privacy. We all have those moments with a spouse.

At some point, you have to get over that your husband will see you naked. In fact, most men need to see you for sexual stimulation. You have to stop projecting your insecurities on him. Just because you don't like your body doesn't mean he does, unless you have a shallow husband. And if you have postpartum, which can make you feel unattractive in all kinds of ways, then you need help to deal with what you are going through otherwise this will affect your marriage in the long run.

You are entitled to bathroom privacy, but the insecurities over your body with your husband isn't normal. I would talk to someone.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread