AITA for not hiring someone based on how they treated me in high school?


You are trusted with first interviews, because of your judgement. And I think your judgement is still solid here albeit colored by personal interaction in the past with the interviewee. And I say that, because either Jake really didn't remember you, which means he has a habit of bullying people so much he just lost track of his numbers (scary) OR he remembered and just chose to hope you'd have forgotten it. But he didn't address the tiger in the room and I just don't see that as a good enough sign for you to overlook the past and hope Jake won't make your staff's lives a nightmare if you hire him.

I saw a post on Reddit some time ago of another guy who was hiring when an old high school bully showed up for the job. In that case the bully burst into tears, apologized profusely, they both got into communication and the guy decided to give his former bully a chance. Basically because his bully chose to address the situation head on and apologize and showed real remorse, he was hired and turned out to be a great worker.

In that case the bully owned his past behavior though. Jake did not. So no, Jake has to accept the consequences of his actions and I think your judgement is still fine.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread