In honor of Denvers decriminalization of magic mushrooms, doctors of reddit what, if any, is your best story of patients on hallucinogenics?

Obligatory not a doctor. I was a Primary Paramedic (might have been a first aider at the time, can't remember for sure) working a side job on a ski resort doing Patrol. Had a teenage kid come in obviously on something, obviously not having a good time. After chatting for a while I was about 90% sure he was on Shrooms. No vital issues or injuries I was concerned with so we just chat. Everything worked out well, got the Patrol Hut cleared out so it was nice and quiet. Luckily for him, I had tripped quite a few times and had a few bad experiences, as well as walked a few friends through some bad experiences, so I had kind of been there before. We let him chill on our back bed after he calmed down and I checked on him periodically to make sure all was well until he sobered up enough. We had a chat about staying safe, and if you are going to do drugs to do them in a controlled environment with people that you trust around to take care of you. Then we arranged a friend to pick him up and take him home.

The only thing during the experience that really stands out was between the time he came in and I got him calmed down. He sat down and I got him a blanket, had him close his eyes and focus on his breathing. Every few minutes he would start repeating this phrase and getting louder each time:

Mushroom Kid: "I'm Hot... I'm HOT...I'M HOT... I'M HOT!".

Me: "okay man let's take your blanket off, you just focus on your breathing"

MK, very calmly and quietly: "No, Dad, I'm not hot and I need the blanket"

Me, shocked: "Uhh okay man you can keep the blanket"

He did this every few minutes for the better part of a half an hour, after the first time it was extremely difficult to not burst out laughing.

/r/AskReddit Thread