AITA for not letting friend stay over?

I agree with everything you said. My original post was longer that explained everything better but was far over the 3000 character limit.

Me and F are friends but not as close as my bro and him. I don’t actually expect anything from him, but in all honesty the relationship between all 3 of us should have me included in some of the things they do. We all have the same hobby, we’re all serious about it in our own ways, and I’m apart of the thing they’re working on. I know this is vague but I don’t want to give details. My brother has a lot of the power and say in these things they do, but they’re all F’s connections, and I’m not often included. I let him stay here all the time and am fine with it. It’s just hard to be so openly inclusive when there’s a lot of exclusivity. That sounds like a big factor, but is just apart of the whole me getting nothing out of it. And if I sound like I’m making it about myself, then it’s probably because I am, because every other time I’ve made it not about myself.

Also, F is like the leader of all their friends. They pretty much does whatever he says, and whatever he wants. He’s got the most confidence and the most going for him and all that. My brother is one of the one’s that listens to everything he says. I can tell you my brother 100% did not invite him, rather F asked my brother to stay fully knowing he would say yes. I can also tell you that my brother is also relieved that he isn’t housing someone, but would never say something like that to F. A lot revolves around just pleasing him. He has a popular high school girl attitude about everything, and is very judgmental. I’m one of the few that doesn’t feed into it. I’ve told my brother that he reminds me of the mean girl from Mean Girls. He agreed and still acts just like the side girls, always agreeing with him and pleasing him. It’s weird, and I don’t think it’s healthy. Doesn’t feel like a full, open friendship. I truthfully hate being around it, and housing it, and I have talked to my brother about it many times actually.

As for the assertive thing, I guess I’m just passive Also knowing my brother wouldn’t understand, and would call me a bitch. Fully expected all that to happen. But I would say only this past 9 day thing was when it got to a bad point. Its usually not a huge deal, but since that time I feel like I had to speak my side before it does get too out of hand, so I did.

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