AITA For not letting my (possibly) racist MiL have my son alone?

I have unintentionally painted my husband to seem accepting.

OP HE DOES ACCEPT IT! He absolutely does not care that his mother referred to his son as the N word. He has not discussed what happened. He dropped it and let it slide so he’s now annoyed you won’t drop it and allow his mother around her little N world grandson.

Ma’am I live in America and you live in an absolute state of delusion that I wish I could but some how I can’t be delusional enough to believe her, her son and the entire family aren’t full of racist.

Everyone including you are assholes because oh god lord that family is racist as hell and you were an asshole enough to have a child with this man and now subject your child to a life time of micro aggressions and racism.

Suck it up momma cause you are now on the my in laws are racist and now me and my child have to put up with racism until I divorce and the child turns 18 and can cut each of these people off.

Just assholes all around.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread