AITA for not making nice meals for my guest?

NTA. My sister did the same damned thing when she came to visit. She was visiting me after I'd moved to Europe (from the US), so I knew she was spending a lot of money on a ticket. We talked about everything in advance and I told her I'd treat her to things while she was here (reasonable eating out, paying for hotels for one weekend in one alternative city to where I lived) but that I couldn't afford anything else.

She got here and I picked her up at the airport, put out a spread, then planned a few options for the other days she was going to be here. Nearby museums, taking the train to little towns, seeing the local markets, etc. She broke down crying on day 3 and I had no idea why, trying to reassure her and see what she wanted, and still have no idea what she was expecting.

I think it had been built up so much in her mind that, even though I tried to talk about what to expect and tried so hard to be a good hostess, she expected me to be presenting her with the moon. Some people are like that. Horrible, horrible guests. I'd sooner host an incontinent badger at my house than my sister again.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread