AITA for not sending my daughter to a different school district so she could be in gifted education?

Yta. At the very beginning I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Being a parent is hard. Juggling the whole family’s needs is hard. But then I saw that you’re a SAHM and you have other people who are likely willing to help. I’ve been both a sahm and now a working parent. I’ve pulled my kid out of the districted school he was in and for the last three years I’ve had to sacrifice certain benefits and even a promotion so I could continue to work hours that allow me to pick him up and drop him off. Sometimes it’s a week by week headache of scheduling when things change up. I have no family nearby to help me pick up. Now I’m switching him to a private school and budgeting out a lot of fun/comfort things for myself. Because that’s what you do as a parent. What I’d do to have loving in-laws…

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread