AITA for not telling the cashier she failed to scan a $60.00 item?

YTA for sure. I actually find this sub fucking hilarious. Almost every time I click a post I think to myself, “that’s not a very asshole thing to do” and all the replies say YTA. This time it’s the opposite.

The second OP saw the price was incorrect and didn’t say a thing...that’s a fucking asshole move. I see people writing about the cashier not paying attention. Okay? That’s a person that sucks at their job. People realize the mistake could’ve happened anyways, right? It doesn’t matter if the cashier was fully attentive, not paying attention at all, or doing backflips and cartwheels in between hitting buttons on the register.

OP saw the price was incorrect before paying and made a conscious decision not to say anything. That is an asshole thing to do, plain and simple.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent