AITA for not telling my boyfriend that I was a sugar baby in college?

Right, because you said so, I must be wrong. Fuck off, this is my opinion, which they asked for by posting this in this sub. If you have your own, feel free to share it with the OP, otherwise, your oppinion is not asked for or wanted. So, again, I could care less how high of a fucking horse you think I'm on. I worked three fucking jobs, while going to school full time. I started college at 16, full time. I also wanted my loans paid off quickly, just like every other student. I didnt choose to sell myself to pay them though. She did. Which is why I said what I said, as a reply to her post, asking for response. What college aged stripper/hooker/sex worker/escort, or even just college aged kid in general, isnt looking to be popular, have money, go to parties, get laid, etc etc.?? That's the name of the fucking game at nearly every college around the world! It's not assuming or reaching, its statistics brother. Do some research and you'll see, it would actually be more of a reach statistically for me to assume the opposite, as it's less of a probability in that environment and age range. Then again, you probably dont actually research anything, you just jump on your SJW horse and ride away into the sunset without thinking.

I've worked fucking hard and not sold my body or drugs or whatever else to get what I have today, just because you think somehow my perception based on her post is reaching or arrogant, means absolutely nothing to me. If I cared, I put a post up and ask for your oppinion. ;)

if you reply, all I'm gonna do is block you, I wont even read the first word of anything you type, so, enjoy wasting your time if you so choose.


/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent