AITA for pointing out a sexist scene in a movie?

They don’t get it because it really is “just a joke” or “just a movie” to them and not a lived reality

We’re gonna have to figure out a way to bridge the gap and empathize with each other. I will say that’s hard when like half of this thread is genuinely upset that OP “ruined” the movie by pointing something out that made her uncomfortable, instead of noting how immature her bf is being by shutting down any possibility at conversation by turning off the movie and sulking like a child.

I don’t know how to make the average dude understand just how pervasive and every day sexism is. There‘s just no frame of reference, and societally we have conditioned our boys to block off emotion and empathy in favor of machismo and stoicism so I guess it’s no wonder this is so difficult. But fuck if I’m not a little frustrated about not being believed about my lived reality haha

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent