AITA for refusing to attend my dead nephew’s birthday celebration?

My older sister (now) is the opposite to ur sister when my niece (her daughter) was 1 she sadly passed away and when it comes to the date of her passing and her birthday she and her now fiancé have alone time just them and their 2 yr old daughter (niece). My sister said having baby2 has helped with the grieve process but she’ll never replace her first born, but right now she’s gotta concentrate on baby2, her fiancé and the wedding she’s planning for 2020. For the first after her passing she was like ur sister but she had my awesome mum and the rest of the family to help her through it. As indigenous Australians we’re very spiritual people and we believe our family spirits are always with us so we don’t see the need to go all the time to where their buried to acknowledge them.

Me and my family are very close so when everything happened we all felt it, but years ago there come a time where my sister, her fiancé and the rest of my family had to move pass the grief and move forward cuz everyone gotta work to pay bills, house cleaning, looking after animals etc. hopefully your sister will get to the point but to me the way wrote this she’s stuck in a dark hole and doesn’t wanna climb out yet, also how are your niece and nephew handling everything that’s goin on.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread