AITA for refusing to support my son's pregnant girlfriend until she takes a paternity test?

I don't disagree with you or that. My reply was a response to someone indicating that the relationship's duration meant it was easily likely it was someone else's. Quite frankly I am of the opinion that if I were a dude and someone told me they were pregnant, I would definitely seek a paternity test, even if I had no suspicions of cheating. I'd hate to live a life and find out years later it wasn't mine. (Watched my dad go through that with my younger siblings.) We learned when my oldest younger brother was 10 that he and my youngest younger brother (3) weren't his. And my brothers occurred while my parents were married. (They divorced on my 18th birthday.) And hilariously I occurred four years before they got married and I ultimately am their only bio kid together, whereas the two in marriage were not theirs together.

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