AITA for sticking to the late policy in my class even though the student has ADHD?

YTA for putting this on Reddit for the answer. You're required by law to know this.

Does the student have an official ADHD diagnosis and a 504 plan? Does the plan say the student has extended time for assignments?

A 504 plan is an education plan for students with medical disabilities, including ADHD. You should have gotten a snapshot from your special education coordinator. That snapshot should include accommodations for English, which may include extended time.

You are absolutely not allowed to take points off for lateness. How late? You need to meet with the student's case manager and develop a realistic amount of extended time.

You absolutely are required by law to follow this student's 504 when planning, delivering instruction, assessing, and grading. You are legally and morally in dereliction of your duty as a teacher if you have not been differentiating for your special education srudents.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, find the oldest teacher in your building TOMORROW and ask where to find the SpEd coordinator.

I am not a SpEd teacher; I am a general education teacher. This is very basic knowledge in our profession.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread