AITA for telling best friend who’s also my ex fling that it hurts me that he’s ignoring me because his wife is jealous of me.

Thank you, and I realize that now. We’ve been each other’s shoulder to cry on. And I think seeing me after a long time brought back some “unresolved” emotions.

But now I see the clear picture. I was basically married/common law with my past relationship so I do understand. I know that the chick was jealous but I never really paid attention since he never really made a big deal out of it till today.

I’ve know this guy for a long time and I know when he’s serious with her. And turning me down made me realize that he is truly committed to make it work this time. And I am now backing off for good. Something that I should done before.

But like what I’ve said I did felt entitled because he was trying to rekindle. But I turned him down. But now that I’m seeing he’s serious about the relationship I’ll back off for good.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent