AITA for telling a girl that’s she’s not Mexican?

I'm gonna say NAH. I'm half Hispanic (which if we're gonna be even more specific I can't even say that because that's an inaccurate term, the technical term is Chicano for me) I don't speak Spanish because when my family first immigrated here my uncle was raised only speaking Spanish and then when he went to school they thought he was deaf because he couldn't understand English. So my Grandparents, who were both from Mexico, decided not to teach the rest of the kids Spanish. It fucking sucks because my whole life when I say I'm half Hispanic (I always specify this), everyone and their grandmother gets on me about not speaking Spanish. I love my culture but if someone from Mexico came to me and I said I was Mexican I would get why they would jump down my throat about not actually being from Mexico. But please, understand, it's hard enough being in a country where you're not white enough for all the white people and not Hispanic enough for your family. Because that's the thing. I'm not ethically fully one or the other. So I understand why she was offended, it sucks when for years and years of your life you're told you're not enough. But I can also see why you were bothered by her claiming for herself as a Mexican when that is technically not her nationality.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread