AITA for telling my friend that she needs to lose weight

I’m actually going to go against the grain here and say that it depends how fat your friend is.

Obvs your friends saying that behind her back is bad no matter what, though.

But I’m saying that we need to know because there are eating disorders that involve eating too much food. There are people who go through something painful and begin way overeating to deal with it, to the point that they might go from having around 30 more expected years of life to around 5. If that were my friend, I would be worried, too. Not only because being over a certain physical weight can be incredibly dangerous for her health, but also because I would worry that she might have an underlying issue that she’s not dealing with.

THAT BEING SAID, that would be in a very extreme case. In most cases, you’re TA.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread