AITA for telling my daughter to stop reading tarot cards for money?

Probably shouldn't do it in school because that's exploitive and morally wrong. However, Tarot cards can have good or bad placebo effects. I don't "believe in them" but I believe in placebo's. That's one reason I don't think school children or even teenagers should be messing with them. It's like gambling, having access to credit cards, etc... wait till the persons older to make decisions.

It's like how women usually prefer Astrology sign's. Astrology signs aren't really supposed to be taken literally but people will judge and base a person's character off a sign because that's what they want to see. They want to feel comfortable (or not) to have "power" or be in-the "know" of an event.

Tarot cards are similar. But that's just one reason I don't think teenagers should be turning a profit with placebo given tarot cards at this age. Their moral compass is still developing. Age and growth aren't just about world-experience nor knowledge... it includes emotional growth too.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread