AITA for telling my husband he should’ve done more for my birthday?

I have to admit I got a little carried away but this entire thing is just so unbelievably stupid that I couldn’t help myself. I just don’t know why any of this is such a big deal to OP, she went out of town and he did what he did all the well wishing and talked to her throughout the day. Could he have done more? Sure. Could he have done less? Definitely. Did she communicate why she was upset in an effective and constructive way? Absolutely not, and that is where she is TA. Not for wanting more out of her SO, but for doing such a poor job of communicating her displeasure. She brought it up in a very hostile way, offered no example of what she wanted and then left an open ended “you didn’t do enough.” I’m not quite sure what she was expecting. The “not enough” mentality kills relationships and she reeks of it.

She’s also heavily modifying the original post so there’s that.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent