AITA for thinking my roommate is crazy for being annoyed with my bf visiting?

I actually liked her a lot, man, and thought she was chill and nice before this. It seems more like she was the one who really disliked me, my lifestyle (lol, of keeping in my room and watching tv most work nights and then spending time with my boyfriend once or twice a month when he visited) and having a boyfriend, and harbored resentment for months. I’ve actually had no issues I’ve harbored until this was thrown in my face - I feel like I’m a pretty chill roommate. Like I said, I’ve lived in a lot of weird places in my life, I’ve stayed at boyfriend’s places and their roommates liked having me around, I’ve had roommates with boyfriends who essentially lived there full time, I’ve lived with strangers, with male roommates, with hermits, with people who didn’t speak English, with people of all ages and I rarely have issues from my side. It’s all part of the experience of life.

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