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AITA for turning down a housing opportunity because they wouldn't let me have my dog there?

AITA for turning down a housing opportunity because they wouldn't let me have my dog there?


ETA: this wasn't just about my dog. This is also about my fiancés cats. She's had these cats for years now (the oldest for 6 years and the two younger ones for 3). Rehoming her cats would be extremely hard on her mentally, as her cats mean everything to her. I understand she would 100% choose the house over the cats but i don't want her to have to make that decision either.

ETA: my fiancé was told by her employer she could work from home as a customer service rep when she got pregnant, only to later tell her they terminated the position from the company permanently due to budget cuts. She DID have the finances figured out but was blindsided by unforseen events. She's always been dependent and has never once relied on me for anything. This is a huge transition for her and given that she has always had "her shit handled", it's extremely hard for her to be this low right now. AND I was NOT trying to place blame on Asylum seekers. My blame is not directed at them for anything. I was going based off the statistics of our state. We live in Maine and we are the only state in the US that offers 2 years of tax free income matching (other states offer 6 months). Our state has better opportunities for asylum seekers and therefore we get most of them. Currently we are fixing to bring in another 80k from Texas, despite the ones we took in 2 months ago currently living on the streets of Portland. You can look all of this up, as it's made headlines. All new developments are being used as temporary housing for asylum seekers. Our theatres, old mills, expo centers, homeless shelters, etc are all filled with asylum seekers. This is NOT their fault. This is a state issue. I didn't mean to come across as me blaming THEM for anything, I was just pointing out the statistics of our state.

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