331 words AITA for turning down a housing opportunity because they wouldn't let me have my dog there? 459 words AITA for reporting my neighbor’s crying baby to our landlord? 120 words Can we legally stop our mum from selling the family home? 142 words Not your kid, not your decision. She’ll be lucky her sister doesn’t press charges. 198 words AITA for not taking my wife's miscarriage seriously? 231 words I 29m said something awful to my fiancée 29f 134 words AITA for asking my sister not to swear? 168 words AITA For outing my closeted gay exfriend to the woman he used as a beard? 168 words My (43f) daughter Julia (26f) feels that I didn't give her a very good childhood and I am worried that she is right. How do I fix things with her? 152 words Have you noticed even chicks well into their late 30s and 40s think they can afford to be picky? (Even though I keep hitting on them anyway lol) 243 words AITA for not wanting to donate blood for a transfusion for my brother with advanced cancer? (wtf) 326 words Wife has post-partum depression? Time to fall in love and have “passionate lovemaking” with… chatbot 218 words AITA for making fun of people who commit suicide at a sensitive time of year to my kids? 162 words Our son committed suicide today and our other children blame us. We don't know what to do. 131 words So now we're gatekeeping happiness and imagination? Especially that of a 4-year-old child? Seriously? 279 words WIBTAH for contacting cps on my Father-in-law who has JUST finished radiation treatment for cancer. And also I refuse to help this child either, even though I live in their house 130 words How dare he be putted against his will so homophobe gran drops his tuition. I need a better kitchen not a gay son 150 words AITA for drinking while watching my daughter? 284 words AITD for telling my bisexual wife her identity matters less than I do now that she's with me? 172 words Wife got assault by OP’s brother but OP’s the victim because “she’s upset but it’s nowhere in the realm of what I’m going through”