Get Off Your Ass

Yeah, well, they bring it on themselves.

My son went to a small high school where there was a group of wealthy kids. Somehow it was mentioned "let's all meet at the park and smoke weed together" - something he and his friends often did after school.

He and his friends walked or rode bikes side by side. The rich kids pulled up, each driving separately in their own nice car.

My son and his friends shared what they had equally. The rich kids each brought out their own fancy paraphernalia and didn't offer to share their primo weed. My son's first experience with the rich. Not a good impression.

And yes, heroin is a problem with the wealthier kids here, too. We had a similar experience to what you describe. Quite a few years back, when my kids were in grade school, we found a cheap rental in an upscale neighborhood.

It was pretty old and funky, so despite the rich neighborhood it was in our price range. I thought I had really scored something nice for my kids.

Turned out that both of the swanky homes on either side of us had 19 yr old junkies in the family, and there was another a few doors down.

Fortunately, my kids were too young to mingle with them, and one was our landlord's son, so I felt fairly safe during the few months before we moved out; but they were said to be involved with burglaries in the neighborhood, and also trying to get middle schoolers hooked.

Glad to have escaped from that vipers' nest.

It was a few years after that when I was captive audience to my wealthy client's convo about how "you just don't know what kind of people your neighbors will be" in neighborhoods under a certain dollar amount. Hah!

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