AITA refusing to go to my mom's new vacation home that she bought while we are struggling to afford housing?

YTA. I'm a baby boomer who has committed the unpardonable sin of, at times, owning more than one property. Although I paid for my own education 100% by working my way through college, earned all the money that currently sits in my 401K, and saved the money for all my own house down payments, that in no way absolves me of the sin of multiple property ownership. For that sin, I propose this plan of absolution, which I think will make OP smile. I will voluntarily submit myself to soylent green conversion and donate my assets to a GoFundYourself account for Millenial housing. I checked and Soylent does allow conversion to either Soylent Green cat kibble or dog kibble, so the pet kibble produced from my corpse can be donated to Millenial pet food banks.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread