[ALL BOOK SPOILERS] Okay, I need to vent after finishing Lady of the Lake.

I recently finished it as well. I read all 7 books straight and had the wind shot out of my sails at that ending. Got 4 chapters into 8 and put it down. Just too depressed by that ending.

I bought a PS4 (not a gamer) specifically to play Witcher 3 because I had enjoyed the first 2 books so much. The plan was to finish the books and start the game. Luckily the game helped me get over that ending.

I did not like how the whole company was slaughtered. Milvas desth felt meaningful but hurt.

Cahirs death angered me for the same reasons it angered you. So much potential for naught. He was also a likable guy. I didn’t like him dying like that.

I wish that Geralt had killed Bonharte.

I don’t like how Geralt was killed either. It felt too common for a guy who had just defeated the most powerful sorcerer. Just a cheap, shoehorned death.

I don’t like the open ending.

I also didn’t like the constantly changing narration between future, past, and randoms nor did I care for the exposition dumps.

I however love book 1 and 2 and 8 is also decent so far.

I feel like we went on an adventure across the Witcher world only to come home darker than we left it.

/r/witcher Thread