All my friends seem to have moved on from me.

I don't usually spend much time on this sub, but I'm actually going through pretty much the exact same thing, so I came here! I'm 21 and just moved back to the city I grew up in for the summer after living about 60mi away for the past 3 years to attend college. I'm a huge loner, very introverted, but I'm happy that way. My best friend in the world Kalyn, is the type of friend that will drop you the second she gets a boyfriend (we all know those girls) but it's just.. To the EXTREME. She would make huge promise and break them, ignore me for weeks on end, sometimes months, and then text me like nothing was wrong. On my 21st birthday, she ditched me, lied to me and got caught because I just came over to her house, and hurt me worse than anyone in my life has ever hurt me. Ever. In the months since then, I really had hope that she would stop treating me like shit, I really thought she would act like a friend. What she's done to me and is currently doing to me has been harder than any breakup I've been through in my life, harder than my parents divorce. She's hurt me worse than anyone in my life possibly could, and she knows that. It took a really long time, but I finally just had to cut her off. I know nobody probably wants to read my story, and since I don't have many friends, I don't have anybody to talk to about it. I just want you to know that you're not alone. It's really really hard when your best friends do these things. It took me a really really long time to realize this, and to this day I have to force myself to believe it, but you don't deserve what they're putting you through. If you haven't talked to them about it yet, try that, but if all else fails, don't be afraid to drop those girls. It's better to have no friends at all than friends like these. I'm sorry I'm rambling. I'm just really upset now thinking about my situation. You are worth more than this. We both are. People come and go, and I never thought the day would come when I wouldn't consider Kalyn my best friend, and I let someone treat me like dirt for years because I was too scared to throw our friendship in the trash. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. You will make new friends. It will feel lonely at first, you may cry a lot, but you are worth it. Feel free to Pm me, again sorry for the wall of text. It's been a rough day for me. Love you girl . Stay strong.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread