[All] Worst case scenario for the 21st century?

Global capitalist society faces a series of uneven and extremely messy crashes (resulting from the lack of profitability, the depletion of natural resources, environmental degradation and geopolitical instabilities) combined with another World War bloodier than the preceding two, the peoples of the world fail to build a classless alternative and much of the world falls into a brutal authoritarianism, and somewhere along the way we also reach peak carbon leading to runaway greenhouse effects that make climate change unstoppable. Epidemics, famines and a fascist warlodism proliferate. The end result is a brutal, bloody collapse of capitalist civilization into an even worse form of class civilization built on top of the desertified ruins of the old world and to top it off an ecological crisis that results in a mass extinction. If humanity managed to survived the worse case scenario at all, it would take more than millennia for the world to become a bearable place to live in again if at all.

Alternatively, in music form:

The car is on fire and there is no driver at the wheel

And the sewers are all mudddied with a thousand lonely suicides

And a dark wind blows

The government is corrupt, and we're on so many drugs with the radio on and the curtains drawn

We are trapped in the belly of this horrible machine, and the machine is bleeding to death

The sun has fallen down, and the billboards are all leering, and the flags are all dead at the top of their poles

It went like this: The buildings tumbled in on themselves

Mothers clutching babies picked through the rubble and pulled out their haie

The skyline was beautiful on fire, all twisted metal stretching upwards, everything washed in a thin orange haze

I said "Kiss my you are beautiful, these are truly the last days"

You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream or a fever

/r/CapitalismVSocialism Thread