Alleged burglary suspect, 29, killed by Honolulu police was married with two children; 3 officers injured after violent confrontation

If the argument is that police officers and crazed individuals are the same, the clear answer would be that neither should have guns, but I don't think that's what you are going for. There are appropriate times for police to use their weapons, you will not find me arguing against police intervening in a mass shooter event. My concern is when police shoot first when it's not appropriate. For instance blindly shooting through a door when they hear a loud noise without knowing what's on the other side. Another example would be murdering the driver of a car who has pulled over, is just reaching to grab his license and registration, then find himself being shot and killed while his children and their mother are in the car with to him. The first offense I noted should have led to a long jail sentence for reckless endangerment, the second should have been murder, and in neither case did the police officers suffer appropriate punishment. On the other hand, when was the last time a police officer was killed and the suspect was not punished? If we dig hard enough I'm sure we can find one example, but we both know there isn't an epidemic of that occurring.

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