Alliance Recruitment Megathread Mk2

*Alliance Name: Creed

*Description: Creed is looking for players to join us for high level raiding in a social, friendly, competitive environment. We currently 100% Ultimus 50 with a full alliance, with plans to tackle higher level content as soon as we can reliably and consistently complete it. We hit limited time raids as hard as we can, give advice and support to all our members, and value the benefit of growing as a group.

*Requirements: Level 55+, Discord is required but voice chat is not necessary, 600 daily tickets, consistent raid participation, 3-day kick policy unless stated absence

*Contact Details: Snowdog#5610 on Discord, or message me on here

*Additional Notes: Currently using raid lane assignments to minimize mistakes and maximize efficiency. One spot available

/r/MarvelStrikeForce Thread