When Minn-Erva faces a squad of summoners.

I've been having a blast running Cosmic/Tech/random variants. A few general rules

I keep my energy generating characters ideally in the back 2 spots, and if only 1 is a tank I keep them left most. A few lineups I enjoy running

  • Groot/Thanos/Rocket/StarLord/Minerva: Tons of energy, tons of healing, a little weak on AOE but Rocket+Groot makes it worth it

  • Strange/Thanos/Rocket/Starlord/Minerva: Tons of healing, tons of revivals, kinda squishy, but Strange's Special can be a game changer. Avoid Mordo/Heal Blocks

  • XBones/Captain/Rocket/Thanos/Minerva: My heavy team, Xbones/Rocket/Thanos have great AOE damage, Captains Ult is also useful for multi opponent attacks - really good against tank heavy teams

Basically, I am good with any Cosmic/Tech person in this team. Minerva, Rocket, and Thanos are my 3 most consistent team members. I also use Vision, Groot, StarLord, and Strange the most for Healing/Energy/AOE damage. Captain America and XBones aren't the most perfect matches on paper, but also work really powerfully. Yondu, Mantis, and War Machine serve the same purpose, but less effectively.

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