Almost no one in James B. Comey’s new book comes off as virtuous — except maybe Obama

It's kind of interesting to watch the narrative in the mainstream, reality-based community as people have tried to come to terms with "how could Trump have won?".

For the first few days and weeks after the election the answer was "Comey, Comey, Comey".

Here are some links and examples:

The narrative shifted a bit from "Comey, Comey, Comey" by December 2016 to "Russia, Russia, Russia" and in early 2018 shifted a bit more to "Facebook, Facebook, Facebook".

There was a little bit of "Nazis, Nazis, Nazis" mixed in there particularly after the murder of Heather Heyer. But by and large the mainstream press seems to have given up on pinning the 2016 election on Comey and has moved on to other explanations. It's an interesting shift.

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