I was (almost) sexually assaulted for the first time.

Again, BE QUIET or ask a question if you don't understand. You CLEARLY did not read if you can say that and then pass it off as a joke. You're not fooling me! Your joke wasn't funny, If you are making a joke when someone JUST TOLD you they got raped, you are SEVERELY fucked up in the head. I recant my previous statement, if you are "joking" about something this traumatizing, you deserve MUCH WORSE than being sprayed with a water bottle or being bopped on the head. You don't deserve to be coddled in any way and I refuse to laugh at your non-joke you wanna pass off as a joke to pretend I'm "not getting it" just because your fragile little ego is bruised because I called you out for saying a fucked up statement.

Again, I will say: SHAME ON YOU. You should GENUINELY be ashamed of yourself for saying you are making a joke about rape, after a rape survivor talked about being raped. Most rape survivors kill themselves over before ever even admitting it and here you are trying to pass your stupid comment as a joke. You are not fooling anyone with a brain, common decency, and consideration.

/r/offmychest Thread Parent