Although I drink religiously... sometimes more than a 5th of vodka... After 38 years, I've never gotten behind a steering wheel... why do these drunks make us good drunks look so bad?

Well... this is where you are getting it absolutely 100% wrong... I can name 100% of the people I deal with as being alcoholically responsible.... You are saying If i have a party and someone leaves.... then they have an accident... i'm at fault for having a fucking party at my house?

Let's b'sides the comments here.

This is absolutely 100% not true. I mean... this can delve into so many other subjects.... I don't even know how to digresss.... what do I do?

Let's take the leading US cause of death in american for driving deaths.... it's TEXTING WHILE DRIVING!!!!!!!!!!


and you want to take away the facts of the situation and try to blame people who drink???? guess what?/ I'm not against you.... I'm saying there is an equal number of people if not greater who do not promote drinking while driving and that's what I'm trying to say.... but you are not seeing this.....

.... You are only seeing this as.... hey, this guy drinks... he MUST BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DRINKING WHILE DRIVING... and trust me... i left cards on the table if you want to go further... because you type just as fast as me and I see it... but honestly... you as well as others have to admit.... there are separate groups of drunk drivers... and the drunk drivers I'm thinking of kills people because honestly.... i've never met a drunk driver which I intentionallly did nopt tell them they are in the wrong... and they shouldn't which puts me in a diferrent class of people because I would never let anyone who has even Dranke a few beers drive a car, let alone the national standard of saying someone who has drank 6 beers could legally drink and drive, because that's not who I am.

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