Why do I always get unhealthily attached to my partners? At point that I don't want to live without them

Chiron in the 7th is an indication that we feel not good enough for our partners. You have three other personal planets there, too, so it makes sense you're invested in relationships.

With the Sun and Venus in your 7th House, it's very important to you to have a partner, and you want that partner to be beautiful and sunny. Contrast this with Saturn in your 1st House. You're very somber, serious, and you're a worrier.

So what you're doing in your relationships is that you're putting the responsibility for your happiness on someone else. You want a complement, someone who will make up for what you perceive yourself to lack.

This is why you feel that relationships are such a precarious dynamic for you. You will need to realize that you can't rely on other people you make you happy. Happiness is a solo project. It has nothing to do with the other people in our lives.

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