Why am I broke and jobless all the time?

This is same as most art school graduates. You have a pretty tough top 3, maybe you aren’t a fluffy bubbly personality that most jobs especially if your a woman. There’s a difference between being talented and able and just what sells and how the world works yaknow. You have such a strong chart I’m trying to think what might be your approach. I’m thinking either really lean into your art, but do exactly what wants to come out which I imagine might be quite intense so you could be holding back. Go harder into that. Lean into you uranus /Neptune and Aquarius. Push your water Pisces Venus and cancer mars. And mostly the 8h Aries. Make strong otherworldly emotionally responsive fearless work maybe capturing the dystopian nature of the world as a broken community and earth and the heart and wonder of it. Chiron in twelfth show yourself bring forward from the other realms. Either that or use accessibility aides to do this in writing. Record your words, audio write, pay someone an hour a month to edit - can you get disability aid money or services? Where I live there would be support but likely not if in America. I have Gemini mc and also flit around different things I get bored and once learn what I need it becomes meaningless so don’t feel like you have to have one career. Saturn is in domicile and Jupiter receives Saturn in exaltation so use your hard work and tenacity, discipline and want to succeed to get that Jupiter abundance. Keep going it’s there don’t let your Aries emotions and impatience trine with Pluto, destroy this and your Pisces Venus. Use Pluto to enhance and transform and bring power. You are about power balance and discipline. Learn how to use your sword and wield it!

/r/AskAstrologers Thread Link - i.redd.it