Should I really chase my dreams and potentially stay broke and financially-miserable, or go back to college to have a financially secured future 3:00am feeling lost… SCIFI (searching can I find it?)

Ok, so, I’m not amazing at horary but I know the basics and I think the answer is shown very clearly here so I’m giving my input!

You are represented by Saturn in Taurus in the 4th, this tells me you do seek stability above all, but the question is represented by the first house (which is intercepted) which encompasses Neptune (confusion), &Uranus conjunct Mercury (a quickly changing mind about this topic). Your hopes&dreams I would assume are represented by the 11th house while a stable career would be 10th. You are conjunct the ruler of your hopes in dreams (separated by sign) in the fourth - your dreams will give you more stability than you currently assume. While the ruler of the 10th is conjunct the 11th house cusp + Pluto - I interpret this as even if you chose that route, it would lead you to your hopes & dreams probably bc of lack of fulfillment.

This seems like a… no matter what, you will follow your heart it’s just a matter of when! Just my interpretation

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