I am a Christian business owner in Indiana

I also never said it was about "serving". But it is about inconsistent and malicious applications of religious precepts to justify bigotry.

Perhaps you didn't say serving, but that's just the point. That's what it's about. It's not Jim Crow laws or separate but equal restaurant accommodations. It's not saying, 'no gays allowed" or anything of that nature. It's simply saying, I'm allowed to have my day in court (read: legal protection) when I choose to refuse to be present at your same sex marriage. This isn't bigotry. You might as well ask Obama to hold up a sign saying "vote for Ted Cruz" and chastise him when he refuses.

That's what you're not understanding. You don't. Private business doesn't equal private place of residence. You're business is still answerable to the laws of the land, and the laws say if you offer a service to the public at large, you have to serve all of them.

Perfect, we're finally at the core of the issue! So you're telling me it's okay for me to go to a bakery owned by a gay person and demand them to write anti gay slurs on cakes and that they're bigots for refusing to do so and breaking the law. And those gay rehabilitation camps (that I do not agree with) should hire a gay catering company to be present during their classes so while they serve food, they can also hear the lectures or whatever goes on there. They can't refuse that job no matter how uncomfortable it makes them, according to you.

You also seem to think this constitutes an act of endorsement on your end if you perform the service your business advertises for people you don't agree with, which would be a whole new way of thinking in terms of monetary transactions.

But that's exactly what we do. Chick fil A CEO said something homophobic the other year so people boycotted their restaurants.

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