I am currently using an OTC estrogen blocker, and I use other supplements for health, fitness, and working out. Can a regular guy like myself sign up for a USADA test to see if my I pop? I've been steroid free, as far as I know, for 10+ years, but can't rule out spiked supplements sold OTC.

You're using some pretty weird logic here. You know your supplement has estrogen blockers, so of course it would show up on your test. The issue with the fighters, or at least their potential defense, is that they are using supplements that don't have estrogen blockers listed on the label, but they pop anyway.

Also, there is no "cutting-edge supplementation". Fighters use the same shit any average joe can go buy, it's just many are sponsored by the companies rather than having to buy the supplement themselves. The only way a supplement company would be ahead of the curve in the marketplace would be if they somehow develop a new mix, in which case a fighter is still dumb to take if they don't get it checked and/or approved by USADA.

If you want to help, don't pay a bunch of money to find out that the shit you're taking in fact tests positive for what it says is in it (or not), try to lobby for government regulation of the entire supplement industry in whatever way you feel you can contribute. If I were you, I'd start by reading up on this issue more, because it doesn't seem like you fully understand it.

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