I am fed up with people's obssession with LeetCode and DSA.

What about solving real world problems? What about making things from Scratch and having the feeling of satisfaction when you look at it and say yea I did it?

At the end of the day, I want to become a Software Engineer, someone who creates stuff.

lol, who wants to tell him? Also you capitalizing Scratch makes me think of MIT Scratch

Truth is, 99/100 times straight out of school, you won't get to create stuff from scratch or Scratch and also hope to make a nice paycheck. You'll most likely be fixing bugs and working on the stories assigned to you with very little creative input. Initially, you will learn by observing not by doing, and slowly you'll get experience and be trusted with more freedom, but that's a few years down the line.

You're always welcome to work on your own time to solve real world problems through programming if you find that satisfying.

/r/cscareerquestions Thread