I am gonna put my tin foil hat on for this one [Steam mod pitchforking]

Steam has been doing so many shitty things over the past few years. All in the name of money over being the better platform.

Xbox 360 was the first console that made me realize gaming was going to take a really negative turn. Games during Ps2/Xbox and prior just had to be good as there were no patches. And online play was free.

Xbox 360 added things that I think really hurt gaming. DLC and patches can be good but they were completely abused. Releasing broken games to patch later, and 99c skins that used to just be fun unlockables or secrets in games. And to have a subscription to play online is ridiculous IMO.

Once I started PC gaming and dealing with Steam sales I realized gaming wasn't totally screwed. Until a year ago or so when Steam started adding microtransactions and steam cards etc. Skins for all their games and hats. Obviously this isn't the worst thing, you don't have to pay for these things, but it sets them on a path for more greed.

Selling mods is unreal. I get it, but at the same time it's ridiculous. Modders obviously never expected to make money off of their projects, that's not why they did it. They should do it for the modding community and PC gamers to enhance their games for fun. I don't think you should be modding existing games if you really need to make money off of them.

Mods are fickle, they don't all work together and they don't always update forever. If you pay for something that eventually won't work or won't work with your other mods or you just want to try things out to see if you like it? That's all ruined.

I have a feeling that one day Steam will be some insane subscription based software just because they know they can get away with it.

/r/gaming Thread Link - i.imgur.com