GME Containment Zone 1 for 28 January

Lot of new investors here since yesterday. Many of those paper hands are out already. Fine. We don't want them fucking shit up when we get into 4 digits. The rest of you are fucking awesome.

Hedges still gonna force those dips/halts today. Same old scare strategy.

HOLD. Buy the halts.

More barely legal/psychological tactics are coming. Hedges flying false surrender flags. Headlines parroting false claims.

HOLD. Let them dispose of the last of their dignity.

They may try to fuck with our trading platforms out of desperation. Or it may be thousands of people like us realizing they actually could have a morsel of control over their lives.

HOLD. Either case=we are winning.

If this sub gets taken down, you will feel momentarily hollow inside. But they are truly fucking desperate.

HOLD. To Valhalla.

It is an honor boys. Wake me up when the real squeeze starts

*Don't take investment advice from retards like me. Make your own road.*

/r/wallstreetbets Thread