I am Karen Straughan [girlwriteswhat]; Ask Me Anything.

Right, we have things such as hormone replacement therapy which drastically influence an individual's mood and appearance. I don't know a lot about it, but I assume this doesn't directly alter one's neurophysiology. Nonetheless, chemical signaling alone drastically alters their mental experience.

Also low-testosterone in males has effects on their mental and emotional landscape, and yet this isn't controversial.

These people I'm talking about are your intellectual type that instantly pull the science card when it comes to topics such as climate change and evolution (the existence of natural selection through eons).

But bring up sexual dimoprhism? Oh boy, here we go. Modern day heresy.

They will concede that there are physical differences between males and females, that's really hard to deny, but they will hamster it away by saying things such as, "Human beings are one of the least sexually dimorphic species." (Someone actually said this to me word for word).

Ok... so you don't deny that we're sexually dimorphic...

If they don't say that, they will return to the Lockean view of the human mind. Yes, male and females are obvious physically dimorphic, but not the mind!

Somehow, through millions of years, natural selection selected for a hard physical division between males and females, but the brain/mind remained untouched. What.

I don't try to make sense of it anymore though, because frankly people who believe things like this are willfully ignorant as /u/sawagurumi noted.

It's part of modern day heresy to suggest that men and women are different.

Why? Because their line of thought is:

this asshole believes men and women are different ---> he believes women belong in the kitchen, and men belong in corporate headquarters keeping women down with their glass ceiling ---> what a sexist misogynist womanizer

You guys give blue-pilled people too much credit. Most of them haven't thought that much about these issues beyond buzzwords and what they've heard second-hand. Maybe they've read a few articles about the genders on a mainstream news site and watched some talk show hosts talk about a story for 2 minutes. Maybe they went on TRP and saw an offensive title and thought, "Wow, what a bunch of morons."

That's their knowledge of gender dynamics.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent