I am not a pretty girl, and honestly it really tears me apart. Is it normal to feel depressed and anxious over this? Any experience/similar feelings?

Hello there. I'm ugly too, have always been. Even now as an adult (I'm 26) I still get made fun of and ignored or mistreated. Going out every day is a challenge because if I hear a negative comment I know it'll ruin my day. :/

It won't get better right now, but in a few decades your looks won't be as important. Trust me, when women turn ~40 society starts seeing us as undesirable, and then it doesn't matter if you used to be pretty or ugly. And then you still have another 40 years or so to live. So for about half of your life, your looks will be secondary. I think that's pretty uplifting. :)

Here are some things that I've learned so far:

Sure, looks are incredibly important, and you can't make yourself look that much better or change your bone structure without surgery, but if you look hygienic and clean people will be a bit kinder: wash and comb your hair regularly, try some cute hairstyles or hair accessories, accessorize, pay attention to your clothes (always wear clean, fitting clothes). If you're comfortable with trying some makeup, try to work what you've got. Take care of your eyebrows, they're so important when it comes to your facial structure and harmony. Pay attention to your diet and do simple things like drinking lots of water - it will make your skin glowy and your hair healthier.

I know all of this feels pointless when you feel ugly - you'll think "what's the point of polishing a turd", but those small things do help when it comes to being accepted by strangers, landing that job you've always wanted, approaching the world with a little bit more confidence. Of course you don't have to do these things, I'm just saying that they personally helped me. I'm still ugly, it still sucks everyday, but I am happier than I was 5 or 10 years ago because taking care of myself helps me feel more confident. I still don't wear fancy clothes or put on makeup everyday, but I do once in a while and I feel a little bit more powerful when it happens.

/r/ForeverAloneWomen Thread