Why do men always feel they can do better?

I had two dates with a girl this morning. Bare in mind, this is the first person I ever have gone on a date with and I am 26. She seemed to really like me, but unfortunately, I was not remotely attracted to her. I do not believe you should string people along (men or women) if you have no attraction to them. So, I had to call it off at the second date. Another thing to bare in mind, I haven't had a girlfriend before due to mere lack of social circumstances and other things. So, I was thinking "beggars can't be choosers" and I was gonna just go a long with it, but that would have been soooo selfish. She was a fantastic girl but I didn't want to lead her one. You'd think someone in my state who has never had a GF and lost his virginity to an escort a month ago that I would have carried it on. But is it fair to date someone who you don't find attractive when they could be with someone else who does think they are attractive? Now, I disagree with some of what they guy has done. Like, he shouldn't be going for 10/10's. I'd be glad to get with an average girl as long as I was over the moon in love with her! He also shouldn't have strung her along for 2 years, the lucky bastard.

/r/ForeverAloneWomen Thread