I am once again asking you to WORK ONLY AS HARD AS THEY PAY YOU!

'I wasn't privileged growing up' but I was about to afford a decent education and got a high paying job but I promise you I was not privileged!

Lol what a joke unless you tell me you were homeless/working multiple jobs to afford housing and schooling while going to college, you are privileged. There are plenty of youth who can't even go to college if they wanted to because they are to busy working their way away from homelessness.

Ignorant, and over-confident. Must have been a pretty poor education for you to still be that ignorant and over-confident. Since you claim to be educated you should be pretty familiar with the Dunning-Krueger Effect and how you are proving yourself to be a prime example of it, ironic.

/r/lostgeneration Thread Parent Link - i.pinimg.com