I am tired of the lack of actual statistics in ranked. I am tired of not knowing whether I contribute or anyone else does.

how many times did you have a Junkrat justify his pick with his gold dmg medal while their Pharah was decimating your team on the point ?

There is at least one other dps on the team who is just as responsible for killing the Pharah as the Junkrat who is apparently doing what Junkrats do.

how many times did you have an Ana justify his pick with his ultimate while your team is dying without any meaningful healing ?

Why didn't you or anyone else on the team switch to a primary hero after seeing the only hero is Ana who is a secondary healer even if her burst healing is higher than Mercy's beam?

I have stood near a mercy as mccree on 20hp for 5 minutes after killing both a genji and a reaper attacking her, while she kept healing a full hp reinhardt.

If you see that you're not getting healed, why not find the nearest big health pack that will get you to full health as McCree?

If you are solo queueing, you are always going to be gambling at whether or not you have a team that's going to work together and coordinate or a team of people who are going to do whatever the fuck they want to. Either group up with people so you know you'll at least have coordination with that amount of people or learn to work around people doing whatever the fuck they want to when you solo queue.

/r/Overwatch Thread