AMA - Justin from Root Of Good - Retired at 33 with three kids

Hi Justin I love reading your blog and seeing what you actually spend on.

What advice do you have for a college STEM major with one year left to graduate?

I'm privileged enough to have my entire college tuition/expenses paid for, $125,000 in a taxable brokerage account (80% VFIAX, 10% VMVAX, 10% VTMSX), and a paid for brand new car.

My priorities are owning real estate, marrying someone with similar goals, maxing out retirement accounts, and saving in a 529 for my kids' education. I think it's great that you're able to be there to raise your kids. So many parents are absent. I would like to be there for my kids by working less.

I love traveling but I feel like if I do that too early I may blow a lot of money quickly. It'd be nice to experience a city but unless I have a specific job drawing me there I think it's difficult to justify the expenses.

The problem is all these things revolve around what kind of job I get. I could go into medical, dental, or law school. What did you find negative about law school and practicing law? Are there any jobs you would recommend for someone right out of college.

/r/financialindependence Thread