AMA Request: KOMO or Seattle Times employees willing to dish anonymously on what the heck is going on and which reporters are gone from layoffs.

Wouldn't these folks be breaking whatever NDA they had signed, which could impact their ability to be hired elsewhere? I mean they could do it anon, but the rules of an AMA say they have to show ID or some kind of evidence.

I'm not in media, I'm in the tech field. If we go spouting off negatively in public about our ex employers -- NDA signed or not -- that's a pretty much big fucking flare to future employers to steer clear. It's called "burning bridges." It's more or less against the Unwritten Code.

Now, in private, among colleagues we trust? Oh hells yeah we talk shit. Loads of it. Might have whole entire meet-ups where very little else takes place, other than consume alcohol.

I would never air my ex employers' dirty laundry in public, because it would definitely impact my ability to have any future employers.

See how this goes. Perhaps they can do it anon in such a way as to keep their job prospects open. Perhaps they just want the attention so bad they'd be willing to say screw it, I hate Sinclair Media so much I'll just talk shit about them anyway.

/r/SeattleWA Thread