American AH-64D Apache shot down by Islamic State of Iraq Insurgents with combination of gunfire and shoulder fired missile near Taji,North of Baghdad (Killing two Pilots)-Iraq (2-2-2007)

  1. I honestly do not see a point in continuing this discussion since you're quite literally comparing the America and the Russian military, when America spends around 800 billion dollars and russia spends around 60 billion dollars and also trying to say that Iraq had a strong military when they had a degraded one and the cherry on top which is that you consider the Western supplies to Ukraine as

"besides the point" when they are the entire point.

2) You're trying to flex about the horrors and crimes commited by America that caused the death or displacement of millions of innocent people.

3) Lastly, I'm not russian, it seems like everyone who opposes whatever you're saying is delusional or whatever. Lemme guess, do you believe America is a liberator?

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