Americans of reddit, Who are you voting for in the next presidential elections? Trump, Carson, someone else?

Many young people do have a lack of understanding. They hear something and the positives to it and they don't even think of the possibility of the negatives. First its because they are naive, and more importantly its because many young people of their generation don't have critical thinking skills and are VERY easily manipulated.

The issue with your statement about being respected is this. Bernie may have a little more respect for others, but I rather have a functioning economy with things working a little bit (as they are now) rather than a collapse like we saw in Greece.

There is nothing wrong for assistance for people who need it. Some need it temporarily for example if their husband leaves, they get injured (injury that heals), or lose their job. Nothing at all is wrong with that and I would want that option available to everyone.

The issue is that there is absolutely no limit to it. You can be on welfare forever. People that advantage of it. Wealthy people HIDE their money (usually put it under a son or daughters name) and get free benefits. I'm a pharmacist and we see nice cars rolling through the drive through of the pharmacy but these people are using government insurance like medi-cal.

Then you have the entitled group which doesn't want to work and wants free stuff. The same group that still wants their 50 acres and a mule. They are PROUD of being on welfare, they are proud they have a free Obama phone. They think we owe them.

Lets not forget the illegals that come here for the free benefits. They get free shit, suck the economy dry, go to the emergency room over and over and don't pay, and then have a kid and everyone is a citizen and now everyone collects.

I just saw something on the news a month ago. A lot of families (mostly mexican) show on paper that their mom or dad is "adopting" their kids. They get $600 a child for faking it.

Then you have all these old people that come from other countries. They get money from the government because they are retired even though they never worked. They sign up for disability (and lie and scam them using a lawyer) and get a "helper" for a couple hours a week (they just put their kids name on the paper and the kid gets the money) and they collect more money from the government even though they never worked than someone like my father that worked in this country his whole life.

These people are taking advantage of the system and me and you are paying. Now you want to pay more in taxes so they get more benefits?

If the system was legit and the sick people or disabled really were, fine, I would pay. But not when almost everyone is faking it and scamming the system. They should be caught and put in jail and be forced to do hard labor.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent