Americans who actually moved to Canada: How would you rate the decision and why?

Sounds like my wife. :\ She's got lupus, pernicious anemia, WPWs, severe GI issues, a malformed cerebellum which may or may not be some form of cerebellarspinal ataxia, anxiety, depression, numerous inflammatory processes, food allergies up the wazoo, and a 100% cancer rate in the two higher-up generations of her family. I swear, one of her ancestors was exposed to radiation at some point.

Unfortunately, we're in the US so she's about 50K in debt atm and I've still got 4500$ hanging over me from a time when I had an occipital neuralgia/migraine episode. This thread has me very seriously contemplating moving to Canada. Maybe we could get her some proper help for her illnesses. At the rate she's going downhill, I'm afraid she won't be around much longer.

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